Small Engine Repair Shop | Lawn Mower Service Dealer
Service Department
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Stoller Lawn and Garden is a family owned business since 1997. We currently have two technicians who have over 45 years of combined experience in small engines and a service manager who has 10+ years experience with lawn and garden equipment. Both technicians have many certifications including the Briggs & Stratton Master Service Technician.
Meet our Service Department
Rich Scott
Rich has been our service manager since September 2020. When customers come or call in to get there mower serviced, most likely Rich will be the one you will be talking to. He is very knowledgeable in this field and he often helps out in the parts department and is able to answer many parts and service related questions.
Jason Cullen
Jason joined the team here in March of 2021 working as a technician. He has over 25 years of experience working with lawn and garden equipment and is a certified Briggs & Stratton Master Service Technician. Interestingly, Jason actually worked with Ken Stoller at Johnson Hardware in Orrville many years ago. One thing that Jason likes about our company is the atmosphere and the people he works with. Fishing is an activity that he enjoys doing in his spare time. We appreciate Jason's humor and good attitude here at Stoller Lawn & Garden!
Pete Miller
Pete joined our team here in August of 2022. He has been certified in many brands, including Ariens/Gravely, Briggs & Stratton, Honda and others. Pete's main position here is wrenching, but he can also be found in the parts department, as well as giving a helping hand in equipment sales too. With his many years of experience in the small engine world, Pete fits here very well. Along with his great technical experience we also value his smile, good attitude, and willingness to help where ever needed.
Here at Stoller Lawn and Garden we service most brands of outdoor power equipment including but not limited to: Zero-Turn Riding Lawn Mowers, Riding Lawn Tractors, Push and Self Propelled Lawn Mowers, Snow Blowers, Garden Tillers, Log Splitters, Pressure Washers, Chipper Shredders, Brush Mowers, Edgers, 2-Cycle handheld equipment such as string trimmers, chainsaws, and leaf blowers and more. Our specialized brands that we sell here as well would be Ariens, Gravely, DR, Echo, EGO and BCS Two Wheel Tractors and Attachments. But we also service other brands such as Toro, Wheelhorse, Lawn Boy, Simplicity, Ferris, Snapper, John Deere, Craftsman, Husqvarna, MTD, Ranch King, Cub Cadet, Scag, Exmark, Hustler, Bad Boy, Redmax, Stihl, Huskee, as well as engine brands like Briggs & Stratton, Tecumseh, Kohler, Kawasaki, Honda and more. We work on kerosene torpedo space heaters as well. We also do warranty work for many brands. At this time we do NOT service power sports such as go-carts, mini bikes, snow mobiles and four wheelers.
Our current shop labor rate is $100 per hour. We give a $10 per hour discount if the unit being repaired was purchased here.
What is Included in a Service?
An example of a typical service for a zero turn includes...
Changing oil, Replacing Air, Fuel and Oil Filters (if equipped) Replacing Spark Plug(s), Cleaning Grass from under Deck, Greasing Fittings, Lubing cables, Lubing Height Adjuster, Checking Cooling Fins, Checking Engine Bolts, Checking Governor Linkage and Springs, Inspecting Front Axle Assemblies, Checking Tire Pressure - Adjusted if needed, Checking Belts, Pulleys, and Battery, Applying Battery Terminal Lube to Terminals, Inspecting Brakes, Checking Charging, Inspecting Wiring, Washing and Test Run.
Full service for zero-turn mowers (Estimate $285-$360) Any additional repair extra. Call if over $395 NOT including pickup and delivery or tax.
Our service department is here Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 8-6 and occasionally on Saturdays from 8-3. We are closed Wednesdays and Sundays. Spring is obviously a busy time for us, so we encourage bringing in your equipment in the winter to get it serviced so it is ready for spring as opposed to bringing it in the spring and needing it when it's in the shop for a week or two. To reward customers who get a full service on their equipment in the winter during November and December we offer FREE pickup and delivery up to 20 miles. Obviously when your mower breaks down in the spring or summer you can't wait until winter to get it fixed, and that is why we recommend getting the annual tune up for preventative maintenance done in the winter so we can focus on other needed repairs in the spring and summer.
Most of our service customers come from the Wayne, Ashland, Holmes, Tuscarawas, Stark, Summit, and Medina counties in Ohio. Some of the cities we serve would be Orrville (our home town), Wooster, Smithville, Akron, Medina, Dalton, Barberton, Wadsworth, Rittman, Massillon, Canton Shreve, Fredericksburg, Creston, West Salem, Seville, Ashland, Jeromesville, Mansfield and more. We offer pickup and delivery service to all of those places. Our rates are based on mileage. If you get it serviced in November or December then we offer free pickup and delivery up to 20 miles.
Good question, why service your mower? Well, the question is then posed, do you like it when your mower is in the shop all the time, or always needs repaired? Of course not, and that is why we recommend getting your equipment serviced. Proper maintenance will keep your lawn equipment running in tip top shape for years to come.
Below explains a more detailed reason why we do what we do in a Service?
Change Oil
Most people know the importance of changing oil in an engine, whether it is your car or your lawn mower. Oil is in essence the lifeblood of the engine and without it the engine would seize and be very costly to repair. Small engine are air cooled and run hot. In fact they run hotter than most vehicles because vehicles are generally liquid cooled. So it is important to also get the right oil. You want something that is designed specifically for small air cooled engines and not something that you can purchase at an auto parts store because most likely the oil sold there is for automobiles and not lawn mowers. Oil needs changed because under heat and use it can break down and the good quality lubricative parts can disappear or not be as effective. In general oil should be changed at least once per year.
Replacing Air Filter
The air filter does an important job of allowing good quality fresh air into the engine to run properly, but NOT allowing dirt and debris to enter the engine. If an air filter is not present then chances are very high that dirt of some type will enter the engine while running and eventually will get into the combustion chamber where it can act like sand paper against the cylinder walls making score marks which will make your engine have low compression or could cause it to seize completely. A dirty air filter on an internally vented carburetor may not allow adequate air to enter and therefore more fuel will fill in the vacuum causing a rich running condition. Constant vacuum on a dirty air filter can perhaps open or stretch the element and allow dirt particles into the engine which can potentially cause series damage. Some air filters can be cleaned or tapped out, but in general it is best to replace them with a new one.
Replacing Fuel Filter
The fuel filter's job is to make sure dirt doesn't enter by way of the fuel thus causing the same issue as dirt entering through the air filter. It's easy for the fuel tank to get dirt in it especially if you are not careful when refueling. The fuel filter is typically harder to clean or to see how dirty it is so it is strongly recommended to replace them yearly if not more often. If the fuel filter is clogged and not replaced your engine will most likely be starving for fuel and not run smoothly. It will run lean and perhaps surge up and down.
Replacing the Oil Filter
An oil filter's job is much like that of the air and fuel filter, only this one filters the dirt out of the oil. One of the easiest ways for the oil to get dirty is when taking off the cap while checking or refilling. It is a good practice to wipe off any dirt from the oil dipstick before removing the cap. Also when checking oil be sure to use a clean oil shop towel that won't allow dirt onto the dipstick. Also be sure to use the oem oil filter because oil filters are different internally and if you don't use the right one (even if it screws on and looks the same) it can cause an issue and may not let the oil through correctly.
Replacing the Spark Plugs
Sparkplugs absorb a lot of heat when the engine is running and with the job that it is doing, the plug can where out. A faulty spark plug can cause a poor running condition. Sparkplugs are an easy thing to replace to help make the engine run smoother. On v-twin engines, be sure to replace them both.
Cleaning Grass from Under Deck
Something that is not much fun but is necessary for longevity and a good quality of cut is cleaning out the grass from under the deck. This can be done by either taking off the deck and turning it upside down or by driving up onto something like car ramps to raise up the front end so you can crawl under. Generally we use a hand scraper to clean out the deck. This is something that should be done on a regular basis. It will need done more often if you mow in wet conditions or if you generally mulch the lawn. Mo-deck makes a spray that you can install on the underside of the deck to help keep the grass from building up. Their slogan is "So slick, grass won't stick." If this job of cleaning the deck gets neglected the mower will most likely not discharge as well and cause clumping. Long term the moisture from the grass can wear on the deck and cause it to rust out. Note: It is important to keep the top of the deck clean from grass and debris as well. A good practice is to blow off the mower deck with a leaf blower after each use.
Greasing Fittings
Many of the bearings on lawn equipment day have sealed bearings, which means they don't need to be manually greased. But some bearings are still greaseable. Some common places that need greased would be in the deck spindles, the front casters forks, and the caster wheels. Neglecting to grease fittings can over time wear out the bearing and cause it not to function. Some bearings are worse to go out then others. If a bearing goes out on a deck spindle it could cause extra wear on belts and give an additional unnecessary load to the engine.
Lubing Cables and Height Adjuster
Simple things can be very annoying when not working correctly. For example, a choke cable that does not pull in and out very well can be frustrating. Keeping your cables and moving parts for the height adjuster lubricated makes the process so much easier.
Check Cooling Fins
Small engines are air cooled and they run hot. To help the air cool the engine there are cooling fins placed on it generally on the head. These fins give more surface area for the air to cool the hot engine. But if these fins are blocked with dirt and grass then the cooling fins can't do their job and the engine can overheat. An engine can fail and lock up because of overheating, and that is why it is important to keep the fins clear.
Check Engine Bolts
Engines create a lot of vibration. Vibration can cause the engine bolts to come loose over time. We check to make sure they are snug and tight against the frame.
Check Governor Linkage and Springs
The governor arm and springs play a proper role in a good running engine. We make sure they are present and performing.
Inspecting front axle assemblies
If there is a bearing/bushing going out in the front axle, we want you to know about it. The worn out bushing can cause a wiggle (or slop) which can wear out the axle or castor fork eventually if not fixed.
Check Tire Pressure
Proper tire pressure is important to give you an even cut. If one tire is flat, then the machine is tilted that way and so is the deck. If the deck is not level then the grass it cuts will not be level. Wrong tire pressure can also be more bouncy and less comfortable for the operator, as well as giving it less traction on slopes.
Check Belts, Pulleys and Battery.
It is necessary for the deck to work properly to have good quality, fully functional belts and pulleys. Belts can wear out over time, but can also be broken by shock loads. Worn belts may slip in the pulleys which makes the blades not spin at top speed or have the torque that it should have when cutting grass. Idler pulleys have bearings in them that can go bad and may need replaced over time. Bad pulleys can give extra load on the engine and wear out the belts prematurely. Batteries are needed to start the engine. If the battery is low, generally it can be recharged, but after awhile they go bad and will need replaced. If any of these three items are found bad then you should be notified with and estimate to get them replaced.
Applying Battery Terminal Lube
We put on a special lube to the battery terminals to protect them from corroding. A bad connection to the battery can result in the engine not cranking fast enough or not at all.
Inspect Brakes
Although zero turns are usually stopped by pulling back on the lap bars, there still is a parking brake present on them. These brakes are designed in many different ways. Some have gears on them with teeth that can wear out. Others may come out of adjustment.
Check Charging
Most electric start equipment comes equipped with an alternator to charge the battery while the engine is running. If it is not charging correctly, the battery may fail prematurely, or you will have to charge it manually more frequently. By hooking it up to a volt meter, we can tell when the unit is charging properly or not.
Inspect Wiring
Bare wires can cause all kinds of issues, and we want to make sure to either fix or make you aware of wiring issues such as bare wires.
Test Run and Wash
This is the final step we do to confirm that the unit is in good working order and washed so it looks clean and presentable to the customer.
Other Services We Perform...
Chainsaw Full Service
Full service includes checking compression and spark, replacing air filter(s), fuel filter, and spark plug, dumping out old gas and adding fresh, sharpening chain - replace if necessary, lube starter, check safety components, clean bar rail, make sure unit idles - accelerates - and runs at full throttle smoothly, inspect exhaust, washing off and test running
Lawn Mower Full Service
Full service includes changing oil, replacing air, oil, and fuel filter if equipped, scraping grass from under deck, Sharpening Blade, checking compression and spark if needed, checking cooling fins and wheels as needed, lubing cable, height adjuster, and rewind starter spring, checking handlebar hardware, washing off and test running.
Leaf Blower Full Service
Full service includes checking spark and compression, replacing air and fuel filter(s), replacing spark plug, dump out old gas and adding fresh, checking safety components, making sure runs at idle - accelerates - and runs at full throttle smoothly, inspecting exhaust, washing off and test running.
Pressure Washer Full Service
Full service includes checking compression and spark if necessary, replacing air filter(s), fuel filter - if equipped, spark plug, changing oil, checking wheels, checking for water leaks, installing pump saver if end of season, washing off and test running - verifying that unit has pressure, notifying customer if other issues found.
Snow Blower Full Service
Add Fuel Stabilizer, Check Clutch Operation, Check Traction Drive Operation, Check Dual Handle Interlock (Ariens) Check Fasteners, Check Tire Pressure, Replace Spark Plug, Change Engine oil, Adjust and Lube Cables, Grease Fittings, Check Gearcase oil, Lube Gears and Axles. Check/Adjust/Raplace Skid Shoes and Scraper Blade, Check Shear Bolts, Check Chute Operation, Check Speeds, Check Belts and Friction Disc, Check Idler Pulleys, Test Run, Wash.
Note: For the months of April - October please drain out gas and run unit dry for storage.
Space Heater Full Service
Full service for space heater (Estimate $125-$150) Any additional repair extra. Call if over $150 NOT including pickup and delivery or tax. Full service includes replacing air filter and gasket, replacing fuel filter, cleaning rotor and setting rotor gap, cleaning nozzle, checking air and fuel lines, checking for cracks in backing plate, setting pump pressure, test running, be sure to use Kerosene Fuel only.
String Trimmer Full Service
Full service includes checking spark and compression, replacing air and fuel filter(s), replacing spark plug, dump out old gas and adding fresh, checking safety components, checking trimmer line - add if necessary, making sure runs at idle - accelerates - and runs at full throttle smoothly, inspecting exhaust, washing off and test running.
Tiller Full Service
Full service includes checking compression and spark if needed, replacing air filter(s), fuel filter - if equipped, and sparkplug, changing oil, clean out tiller tines if needed, checking wheels, checking safety components, inspecting drive seals, inspecting tine seals, washing off and test running, notifying customer if other issues are found.
Tractor Full Service
Service includes: Changing oil, Replacing Air, Fuel and Oil Filters (if equipped) Replacing Spark Plug(s), Cleaning Grass from under Deck, Greasing Fittings, Lubing cables, Lubing Height Adjuster, Checking Cooling Fins, Checking Engine Bolts, Checking Governor Linkage and Springs, Inspecting Front Axle Assemblies, Checking Tire Pressure - Adjusted if needed, Checking Belts, Pulleys, and Battery, Applying Battery Terminal Lube to Terminals, Inspecting Brakes, Checking Charging, Inspecting Wiring, Washing and Test Run.