History of Stoller Lawn & Garden - Ken's Dream Job!
Ken's Small Engine Repair Shop, 1980. This was originally a pigpen.
We first opened our doors for business in January of 1997, but the idea of Stoller Lawn & Garden began long before that. Ken had always dreamed of opening his own lawn mower business. (In fact, this is actually his second venture—his first was Ken's Mower Repair at his home when he was in high school.) For many years he worked for others, starting as a mechanic and eventually ending up as a manager in a local shop.
Ken married Lori Steiner in 1984 and together they have five children, four boys and one girl. By the mid 1990s the oldest boys were getting close to the age where they needed something profitable to do with their spare time after school and during the summer months.
By combining the dream of his own business with the ideal of working side by side with his children, Ken created Stoller Lawn & Garden. A site for the building was selected close enough to home that it was within easy walking distance for the family, and indeed, getting the business up and running was a whole family affair.
Today, more than 20 years later, most of the family still works there although some have ventured out on their own. Bradley has his own lawn mowing business, Brad's Lawn Care. Matthew is the General Manager, Jason is the Parts Manager. Brian is the Sales Manager, and Lori, Ken's wife, runs errands and takes care of the cash drawers.